Phone Sex FAQs
Is this a real business?
Yes, it is. Phone Flirts® is a long-standing trusted name in the phone sex industry, and this special site along with all of the girls on it was brought to YOU by Lynnea. This is our sister website and sister company where you have the chance to talk with other girls anytime day or night.
What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept Visa, MC, AMEX, and Discover right over the telephone or by paying online.
Who will answer the phone when I call?
When you dial our toll-free number you’ll get a brief recording to review the rates and billing name… then you’ll get connected to an automated system where you can enter your credit card information.
Is this a call center? Where are the girls located?
No, we are not an office and we do not have a call center! Fone Flirts take all calls from the privacy of their own homes, that way they can be as dirty as they wanna be!
Will billing be private and discreet?
Yes, the billing name is NOT indicative that you called for phone sex. It is posted in an image file which makes it non-searchable for privacy. The preamble message will make sure it is very clear, so please listen closely.
What are the charges?
Calls are 5 minutes for $10 and then $2.00 for each additional minute. Calls start at only $10 and can be extended to longer times.
Do I need to know in advance how long I want to talk?
No! But you will have to add funds to your account. The system works almost like a bank when you sign up online. You add as much in funds as you like, and then calls are deducted from your balance. When you run out, you simply add more.
Can I purchase a block of time in advance and then have calls deducted?
Sure can. You can make one lump sum payment, and we’ll store it, track it, and deduct calls from it until it runs out. You never lose the amount either; there isn’t a time limit on how long you have to use up the time.
Will I receive mailings at my home?
We do business privately and discreetly. Nothing, nada, and never! We don’t send you anything by email either.
Why do you need all this information from me?
We need your information in order to process your credit card. Your payment will always be upfront before you connect to a girl.
How do I know my info will be kept safe and that I will be billed correctly?
Your credit card information is safer with our secure automated system than giving your details to a live dispatcher. There is much less human error or “hands” involved.
Are the Flirts actresses?
Nope, These are your typical girls next door; some are mothers, daughters, wives, single, and so forth. These women/girls young or old are ALL horny and enjoy phone sex, fetishes, roleplay, etc!
Are the girls available anytime?
All the girls work at different times, they may work a schedule, they may even work just when they feel horny.
Do the girls meet clients?
No. There are a few different reasons for this. First of all, there is a contract that does not allow them to meet clients. This is obviously for safety precautions. Secondly, they do have private lives, which may include having boyfriends/lovers already. This is also a phone sex service, and nothing else.
Do the girls sell their worn panties?
No, we don’t sell worn panties, it’s a bio-hazard by federal law. Please do not ask the girls to do it.
Do you girls have “taboos”? Can we talk about anything?
Sure. The girls are pretty open-minded and there are no restrictions placed upon “conversations”. NONE of the ladies on Fone Flirts have taboos.
Do the girls have access to my information?
No. YOU control all payments. You have the freedom of telling the girl whatever you’d like about yourself, or even as little as you’d like. They do not even need to know your real name if you want. This reduces any fraud you may be concerned about since you are not handing your information out to every girl you talk to!